Julia Lembcke, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, CLTC, ChSNC®, Managing Director

Erik Lembcke, CFP®,  President

5 Pitfalls In Retirement Planning

Navigating the path to a secure retirement is fraught with potential missteps. Understanding these common pitfalls can significantly enhance your financial readiness. Here, we delve into five critical mistakes that could derail your retirement goals and offer strategic approaches to avoid them. 1. Excessive Spending Unchecked spending is a frequent barrier to achieving retirement readiness. […]


Navigating Five Big Expenses in Retirement: Insights from a Certified Financial Planner

Retirement planning often conjures up images of travel and leisure, but the reality of retirement expenses can be starkly different. As a Certified Financial Planner and the Managing Director of URS Advisory, I’ve witnessed the stark contrast between retirees’ expectations and their actual spending. It’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of where your money […]


Retirement Planning: A Roadmap for Stay-at-Home Parents

In the world of finance and future planning, the focus often gravitates towards the breadwinners, inadvertently overlooking a crucial part of the family dynamic: stay-at-home parents. Their invaluable contribution to the household might not reflect in a paycheck, but it’s time we discuss how they can also work to secure their retirement. The Conversation That […]


Rethinking Retirement: A Fresh Perspective on Tax Diversification

As we navigate through the myriad of financial decisions that shape our retirement, one aspect that often gets overlooked is the impact of taxes on our retirement savings. In my recent discussions with clients and financial planning sessions, a recurring theme has emerged: the importance of tax diversification and its profound effect on our golden […]


Turning Stock Market Lemons Into Lemonade With Tax-Loss Harvesting

In 2023, investors have witnessed increased volatility as the stock market oscillated from last year’s lows to summer highs before experiencing another decline this fall. Such fluctuations can test even the most patient investors, particularly those committed to staying invested through the market’s cycles. However, the silver lining is that such markets can offer substantial […]


The Power Of Health Savings Accounts

It’s been 20 years since the Health Savings Account (HSA) was introduced as a part of the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act, and it’s still the best-kept secret in healthcare and retirement planning.1 As the cost of healthcare and healthcare insurance continues to increase, HSAs remain an appealing option for covering the cost of medical care.  […]


The Financial Foundations For Young Families

Raising a young family is both wildly beautiful and really tough: the delightful chaos of early mornings, the scent of baby lotion mixed with fresh-brewed coffee, the hum of bedtime lullabies, and the incessant juggle of playdates, promotions, and mortgage decisions. Amidst the laughter and love, each day unfurls with countless demands — from nurturing […]


Divorcing Couple Options for Disposition of Mortgage Property

Unquestionably, divorce can be messy and stressful–never more so than when properties are involved. For many divorcing couples, the disposition of mortgaged property is one of the more significant and consequential issues they face. In 2022, more than half of divorced couples were homeowners. And, while the divorce rate has shown a positive declining trend […]


Funding A Special Needs Trust With Life Insurance

Few things in life are more challenging for parents than caring for a child with special needs. Among those challenges is ensuring sufficient money is available to cover the cost of care, which often extends over the child’s life. The cost of care can be significant, including medical expenses, housing costs, special education, and therapies. […]


Inflation is Cooling but the Pain May Linger for A While

Good news! The latest data indicates that inflation is cooling. The bad news is that consumers should expect prices to stay high for a while. After a year of surging prices not seen for four decades, inflation is finally starting to ease its grip on the U.S. economy. The Labor Department reported on May 10 […]


Autism Awareness Month

URS Advisory Hosts Special Needs Planning for Families Panel Discussion at Els Center for Autism in Jupiter, FL In honor of Autism Awareness Month, URS Advisory and a panel of local experts gathered at the Els Center of Excellence to discuss the lifetime journey of families with autistic children. The Special Needs Planning for Families […]


Able Accounts VS. Special Needs Trusts: Why Not Have It All?

For some individuals with disabilities, the costs of support and care can cost tens of thousands of dollars annually, making government assistance essential. However, if their assets are not adequately sheltered, they could be disqualified from programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid.  That’s where special needs trusts and ABLE accounts come in. […]


SECURE Act 2.0 Introduces New Retirement Planning Opportunities

In 2019, Congress passed the SECURE Act, which introduced several changes and enhancements to retirement plan rules. The sequel to the original SECURE Act, the SECURE Act 2.0, was passed on December 29, 2022 and builds on those changes with several more enhancements designed to increase retirement savings opportunities for many Americans. In our view, […]


Destination Retirement™

Many people resist retirement planning because they don’t know where to start, and can be intimidated by the process. They end up procrastinating which can make their desired outcome more difficult to reach. While the entire process can feel intimidating, there is no reason to try to eat the whole retirement planning pie all at […]


Special Needs Planning, Housing for Adult Children

As a parent, you are the most important person in your child’s life. You have helped your child take their first steps, form their first sentences, dress themselves, make their own meals, and much more. Even as your child ages, your role doesn’t become any less important, especially when they are ready to leave the […]


Inflation Reduction Act

Politics aside about what the recently passed massive Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is supposed to do, it does offer consumers and businesses substantial incentives to go green by investing in eco-friendly and energy-efficient products.[i] The biggest winners are those already planning home improvements to their personal energy infrastructure. For those who weren’t, the incentives may be […]


Why Now is the Best Time to Think About Capital Expenditures

With the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017, small businesses have yet another incentive to ramp up their capital expenditures. Want to add a new alarm system? Need to upgrade your computer software? How about refurbishing your interior office or warehouse space? These are new categories of expenditures added under […]


Are You Financially Prepared for the Death of Your Spouse?

“Grief takes time,” writes registered psychotherapist Leah Royden.[1] And if you’ve lost your spouse, your grief can be particularly acute and your recovery prolonged. What makes the situation even more difficult, especially in the immediate aftermath of your loss, is that your financial situation may change drastically. Consider the following. If your husband or wife […]


The Silver Lining of Rising Interest Rates

Since their double-digit highs in the 1980s, the trajectory of interest rates has been down, reaching historic lows over the last few years. With the record surge in inflation, also not seen since the 1980s, interest rates are spiking, which is unfamiliar territory for many Americans.[i] Higher rates mean higher borrowing costs, intended to slow […]


How to Adjust Your Portfolio For Inflation

Record inflation, which we haven’t seen in forty years, is ravaging Americans’ pocketbooks. And with its firm grip on the stock market, inflation has also had its way with investors’ portfolios. What was once described as a transitory phase now appears to be settling in for a more enduring economic condition that could last many […]


Will I be able to rely on Social Security when I retire?

Here’s what to keep in mind when planning your future around Social Security benefits. When the Social Security Administration (SSA) was founded in 1935 following the Great Depression, it was meant to be a source of financial security for older Americans. Yet, a common concern today among Americans, especially the younger demographic, is that Social […]


It’s Never Too Early to Start Planning for Retirement

How many times have you heard someone say, “Wow! I really wish I had saved less for retirement!”? We have certainly never heard it. That’s because amassing enough wealth to live comfortably in retirement is no simple feat. And plenty of times, folks are looking to enhance their quality of life as they age, as […]


What Assets get a Step-Up in Basis at Death?

The “step-up in basis” is a tax provision that allows certain types of assets to be bequeathed by owners to their heirs at current market values rather than their original purchase price, or “basis.”  For example, if a house that cost $300,000 initially, including any improvement costs, is bequeathed at its current market value of […]


Tax Planning for 2022—What to Expect

The last four years have seen three major pieces of tax legislation enacted, combining for significant changes in tax rates, the standard deduction, tax credits, retirement accounts, and business deductions, to name just a few. Even more transformative tax legislation is pending in Congress under the Build Back Better plan, which may or may not […]


What is the Roth 401(k) Five-Year Rule?

Roth IRAs are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to traditional IRAs because they offer additional flexibility in how and when plan participants can access their money. For that same reason, Roth 401(k) plans are growing in popularity among employers offering qualified retirement plans. Both vehicles allow for tax-free distributions when certain conditions are met, such […]


How Biden’s Tax Plan Would Impact Middle-Class Taxpayers

Throughout his first six months in office, President Biden has clearly stated his desire to raise taxes on the wealthiest individuals while fortifying the middle class. Though there is no guarantee his tax proposal will pass through Congress as is, it’s still worthwhile to review the proposed tax changes to see how they could potentially […]


Taxes, Inheritance, and Death Bed Planning

When it comes to the transfer of assets after death, tax planning should always be at the forefront of both the benefactor and beneficiaries’ minds. From capital gains taxes to potential estate taxes to ordinary income taxes, these burdens can put a significant dent in a spouse or child’s inheritance. While the death of a […]


Why Choose a Comprehensive Financial Planner

How do you plan to secure your financial future? Build wealth? Limit your tax exposure? Unless you’re a Certified Financial Planner® yourself, you’ll probably need to seek the assistance of a professional. But how do you know you’re choosing the right one?  Your immediate conclusion might be to call up an investment advisor. After all, […]


Biden’s Tax Proposal 10 Things All Investors Need to Know

On March 31st, President Biden unveiled the American Jobs Plan—a $2 trillion infrastructure proposal aimed to bolster the post-pandemic economy. The scale of this bill is so expansive that it will take roughly fifteen years of increased taxes to pay for the eight years of proposed spending. But who will pay for this historic bill?  […]


Boost Your Retirement Plan with a Health Savings Account

There are many financial tools that will be on your radar as your near retirement. It is likely you’ve already been paying into some of them, like 401(k)s or IRAs, for many years. But there is one account that is often overlooked as a retirement planning tool—the Health Savings Account (HSA). That’s right—believe it or […]


Should You Bet On Bitcoin?

The field of cryptocurrency is forever expanding with over 4,000 cryptocurrencies[i] in existence as of January 2021. But what in the world is cryptocurrency? How does it differ from real money? And should I be adding this to my portfolio? These are all questions our clients have been asking as we’ve seen this year’s Bitcoin […]


Changes to Social Security in 2021

2021 continues to be the year of big changes. To add to these changes, there may also be a significant shift in Social Security benefits. How will these upcoming changes affect the future of Social Security? Moreover, how will it affect you personally? Here’s what you need to know. In the complex and shifting world […]


Q1 Volatility Ahead? Don’t Be Alarmed

Seasonal Market Movement Could Be to Blame As we all know, no one can predict market volatility. Any number of major or minor political, economic, social, or extraneous events can influence buy-ins or sell-offs in the market.[i] Back in March of 2020, for example, as the Coronavirus swept the globe, the S&P 500 dove into […]


Helping Women of All Ages Succeed

Did you know that 60%[i] of the wealth in the United States is owned by women, but 57%[ii] of women surveyed wish they were more confident in their financial decision-making? Men and women think and feel differently about money. This in part is due to the different financial challenges that women face. Unique Financial Challenges […]


2020 Year-End Tax Planning for the Tax-Wise Investor

Whether you are a pre-retiree in your accumulation phase or are already retired, your tax planning strategy should always be on your mind. The end of the year is rapidly approaching, which means some important tax-planning deadlines are approaching, as well. Now is the time to take a look at your finances and evaluate if […]


Election 2020: What we can learn from Bush v. Gore

As the highly controversial 2020 election draws nearer, pandemic worn-down investors are wary of what the market could do if a victor is not declared right away and the candidates decide to square off. Historically, the truth is that we do not have much to go on. There are only two times in the past […]


Roth IRA Conversions: Weighing the Pros and Cons

When it comes to retirement planning, it is our job as financial advisors to help our clients make lemonade from the lemons of the tax code, legal system, or market conditions at any given time. One of the joys of our jobs here at URS Advisory is helping clients make financial decisions that will put […]


Volatility & The Upcoming Election

While the worldwide pandemic has taken center stage thus far in 2020, the national election this November may temporarily steal the spotlight. As the countdown to November 3rd begins, we have already begun to see unprecedented volatility buying. In the third week of August, both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq set record-highs, ending the […]


Trouble in Treasuries?

Will US Treasury Bonds still be considered “smart money” following the Fed’s debt monetization? After a decade of slow and steady growth, 2020 came in with a bang. Thus far, it has been a year of ballooning federal debt and deficit spending primarily monetized by the Fed in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This year, […]


Investing in Precious Metals in Times of Uncertainty

For thousands of years, precious metals—silver and gold—have been coveted for their monetary value and symbols of power. As you can guess, not much has changed; however, the “why” and “how” we might acquire these assets today have changed a bit. Precious metals can be a particularly desirable financial asset in times of economic uncertainty […]


Planning for an Early or Unexpected Retirement

Planning for retirement is without a doubt a long-term, big picture endeavor. It takes decades of preparation and adjusting your plan to life’s changes to pull off successfully. Because we put so much into the preparation for retirement, many of us likely believe that we will retire exactly when and how it is laid out […]


The Fed’s Impact on the Stock Market

What do the biggest global economic contraction of the modern era, the highest unemployment level in post-WW2 American history[i], and a pandemic that continues to affect consumer, business, and government behavior all have in common? They are occurring right now and causing very large dislocations in the domestic economy. On the one hand, the stock […]